The Cat and Crow

Mount Horeb, Wisconsin

The Cat and Crow

Melissa Brown and Rebecca Boelhower Santi

Owners, Melissa Brown and Rebecca Boelhower Santi

The Cat and Crow is a friendly, helpful, and inspiring yarn shop. We love to teach new techniques to beginning and advanced fiber enthusiasts. We also carry gift items, many made by hand by local artists and others from fair trade companies.

We offer yarns, fibers of many types, tools for knitting, crochet, spinning, needle and wet felting, and weaving. Our class listing is broad, encompassing all the above, plus dyeing. Items made by local fiber artists are available for purchase and include wet and needle felted flowers, masks, vessels as well as hand-dyed scarves and hand knit items.

Awards and Honors for The Cat and Crow

  • An award for the shop’s support of locally made products from the MARC center.
  • Asked to teach statewide at Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival and the Madison Knitter’s Guild Knit-in.
  • Local newspaper, Horeb Mail recognized the shop for participation in the American Heart Association’s “Little Hats, Big Hearts” campaign.

The Cat and Crow

Melissa Brown
205 E. Main St.
Mount Horeb Wisconsin 53572
Phone: 608-437-1771
Website: The Cat and Crow Online

Contact Melissa

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