Alainn Yarns

St. Hilaire, Minnesota

Stephanie Showalter

Alainn Yarns

I create hand dyed yarns, many that are hand painted, to reflect the photos that I take on my travels. I try to find local inspiration as well, to remind people that you don’t have to have lots of money to travel or feel inspired. My yarns tell a story, either about the place that inspired the colorways or links you to a special memory.

I offer luxury skeins of yarn that cannot be found in big box craft stores. While most of my yarns are wool based, I do offer yarns of 100% silk, baby camel, bamboo, etc all hand dyed with the theme of travel in mind.

Using professional quality acid dyes, I utilize kettle dyeing and hand painting techniques to achieve my colorways. My yarn dyeing techniques vary from kettle dyed and hand painted, depending on the colorway. Many are variegated in colors. Colorways are dyed in small batches, usually 15 skeins or less. Each colorway is then labeled with a mini photo that inspired the creation.

My yarns can be found at various different fiber festivals throughout the year, with many in Minnesota.

Alainn Yarns

Stephanie Showalter
PO Box 68
St. Hilaire Minnesota 56754
Work Phone: 208.890.4526
Work Email:
Website: Alainn Yarns

Contact Stephanie

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