Intertwined Basketry

North Freedom, Wisconsin


Mary Luckhardt Klemm


Artist Statement:

I create a line of sculptural as well as functional baskets. My primary material is reed, but I also work with willow and found materials. My specialty are antler baskets. I dye all of my reed colors. I also teach classes in basketry by request. I usually do 2 -3 show/sales a year.

Freeform sculptural baskets as well as a complete line of functional baskets. Using antlers for many of the pieces I can gain a wide variety of designs which “follow” the shape and the weight of the basket. Dying my reed gives me the flexibility to create colors of choice. In the 20 years I have been weaving I have made well over 1000 baskets and always have a good inventory on hand.

All variety of basketmaking techniques are used. Free form as well as patterned forms are made. I also try to use weaving in public places like the 6’cup I wove out of willow and baling twine for the 2015 Fermentation Fest Art D’Tour.

A full line of both sculptural and traditional functional baskets. I take consignments as well as offer classes in basketry at customers’ requests. I participate in 2 -3 show/sales per year and donate approximately 10 baskets per year to charitable events.

I have exhibited at the Red Door in Richland Center, the Al. Ringling Sauk County Arts Association Gallery in Baraboo, the River Arts Gallery in Sauk City and Hills Gallery in Baraboo. I have participated in show/sales with The Fall Art Tour (guest artist) in Baraboo, The Richland Center Whitetail Deer Classic, The Country Christmas in Lake Delton and Baraboo, Durwards Glen Fall Festival, The Fermentation FEst Art D’Tour, The ARt Asylum in Lime Ridge, PRairie Weavers Guilds Shows and a variety of smaller venues.

Mary Luckhardt Klemm

Basket Weaver
Intertwined Basketry
114 Franklin St.
North Freedom WI 53951
PO Bo x255
North Freedom WI 53951
Phone: 608 522 5020

Contact Mary

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