Emilia Beker

Mequon, WIsconsin


Emilia Beker

Felt by Emilia

Artist Statement:

The process of making felt is very old and unique. I learned felting through Russian felt artists. I use merino wool and other natural fibers to wet felt and nuno felt. To create felt fabric, I use wool, soap, hot water and my hands. I create shawls, scarves, hats, vests, baby booties and lamp shades in unique design and colors. I enjoy working with wool, locks and silk. The process to make felt is long; it takes approximately 14 hours to make one shawl. Nuno felt is using wool with adding silk or other fabric to create a different effect. Each item is one of a kind, it is never the same.

Emilia Beker

Felt Artist
Felt by Emilia
1235 W Baldwin Court
Mequon Wisconsin 53092
Work Email: ebeker@sbcglobal.net

Contact Emilia

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