A 2 Z Yarn Shop

Brainerd, MN

LeAne Finlay

Shop Owner

LeAne Finlay Artist Bio:

A little bit about me and my yarn shop. I have been crocheting over 40 years and knitting for just over 10 years. I purchased the yarn shop almost 3 years ago and have filled it with yarns that I love and my customers treasure too.I search for yarns made in the U.S. and all over. I teach classes to learn to knit and crochet, to make hats, shawls, socks and so much more. If you can dream it, we can make it! I love to knit and crochet and share that passion, one stitch at a time. I have open knitting and crocheting every day. I love to see what you are making and help you pick a new project!


A 2 Z Yarn Shop

LeAne Finlay
1001 Kingwood Street Suite 115
Brainerd Minnesota 56401
Phone: 218.454.0133
Email: leanefinlay@yahoo.com

Contact LeAne

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