“Woodland Realms” by Susan Bagwajikwe Hallet-Hurd. Quilted Cotton Fabric – 90″ (H) x 90″ (W) “My Family” by Thomas Stillday. Applique Beading. 20″ (H) x 14″ (W) “God’s Eye” by Karl Rangikawhiti Leonard. Colored Wax Cottons – 9″(H) x 6″ (W) “Bandolier Bag” by...
So, what did I think as I drove northwest out of the Twin Cities? To me, Bemidji is an iconic place forever embedded in Minnesota mystique. I can hear the drums beating out the familiar jingle, “in the land of sky blue waters…” Part of me was super excited to go north...
When, in casual conversation, I bring up the subject of macramé, those who are ‘of an age’ will smile, chuckle and recall candle wax dripping down the sides of a green wine bottle wrapped in hemp macramé or visualize an air fern hanging in a south facing window. So...