3rd Annual Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Member Exhibit + Trail Tour

The Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Trail celebrates the unique heritage of the area’s voyageurs, pioneers and indigenous peoples showcasing both traditional and contemporary textile art forms. The textile artists and businesses featured on The Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Trail are a part of the new tradition of makers that is fueling the resurgence of textile arts. Joining together, the trail members have formed a vibrant and diverse gathering place that fosters creativity and innovation.

Trail Tour Weekend April 27 – 28, 2018

Annual Member Exhibit April 6 – 30, 2018

Artist Reception at Wild Hare Bistro — Friday, April 27, 2018 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

523 Minnesota Ave NW, Bemidji, MN 56601

Bemidji •  Turtle River • Tenstrike, Minnesota


Bear Den Handwovens Pop-Up Studio-- Carrie Jessen

Bear Den Handwovens Pop-Up Studio-- Carrie Jessen

Location: NWICDC 1819 Bemidji Ave N., Bemidji, MN 56601

Carrie will have large blankets and hand towels available for purchase in her pop-up studio at Northwest Indian Community Development Center.

Artist Bio:
Carrie Jessen of Bear Den Handwovens weaves blankets and towels, borrowing timeless patterns, materials, and colors from traditional Colonial America. Her interest in weaving from this early America time period developed as she did historical Fur Trade reenacting with her husband, beginning about 24 years ago. Weaving with “weaving drafts” used in the 1700s – 1800s and earlier, she finds them to be beautiful and even contemporary in their utility! She’ll have wool and wool/linen blankets she has woven as well as linen kitchen and bath towels available for purchase in her pop-up studio.

Two Eyes Weaver Pop Up Studio -- Kristin Majkrzak

Two Eyes Weaver Pop Up Studio -- Kristin Majkrzak

Location: NWICDC 1819 Bemidji Ave N., Bemidji, MN 56601

Kristin will have a display of her tapestry weaving. She will demonstrate tapestry weaving and show visitors how tapestry weaving provides unlimited opportunity for visual expression.

Artist Statement:
Tapestry remains my favorite means of artistic expression.  The limitations of the weaving grid are freeing, as form can be for poetry.  I like to feel the creative sparks as I work my way around those limitations.  It’s also a slow and meditative process.  At times I use my own photographs, “tweaking” them to enhance the image and paying close attention to what I’m actually seeing instead of what I “think” I’m seeing.  I also play with geometry, illusions, what I find in the natural world, or just doodle. I have been exploring different facets of tapestry, including techniques from many parts of the world, facial expression, and 3-dimensional tapestry. I would also like to explore the intersection of woven image and poetry. The possibilities are endless!

Weaving Demonstration by Karl Rangikawhiti Leonard

Weaving Demonstration by Karl Rangikawhiti Leonard

Location: Watermark Art Center 505 Bemidji Ave Bemidji, MN 56601

Karl Rangikawhiti Leonard will be demonstrating ‘whatu weaving’. ‘Whatu’ is a type of finger twining used in Māori weaving. No looms are used in the process. Leonard is one of New Zealand’s finest practitioners of Māori weaving. He has exhibited his works in New Zealand and internationally, and has been awarded residencies in the USA.

Artist Statement:

Artist Statement: I enjoy using traditional techniques – but reapplying them in a more creative way. Maintain the integrity but increase the innovation and quality. My induction into the arts began at home. My grandmother and many of my parents’ generation being instrumental in inducting me into their specialist areas.

Alainn Yarns Pop Up Studio -- Stephanie Showalter

Alainn Yarns Pop Up Studio -- Stephanie Showalter

Location: Watermark Art Center 505 Bemidji Ave Bemidji, MN 56601

Stephanie will have a pop-up studio at Watermark Art Center. She’ll have lots of hand-dyed yarn in a variety of weights and colorways, patterns and supplies for sale.

Artist Statement:
I offer luxury skeins of yarn that cannot be found in big box craft stores. While most of my yarns are wool based, I do offer yarns of 100% silk, baby camel, bamboo, etc all hand dyed with the theme of travel in mind. Using professional quality acid dyes, I utilize kettle dyeing and hand painting techniques to achieve my colorways. My yarn dyeing techniques vary from kettle dyed and hand painted, depending on the colorway. Many are variegated in colors. Colorways are dyed in small batches, usually 15 skeins or less. Each colorway is then labeled with a mini photo that inspired the creation.

Eve's Weaves -- Eve Sumsky

Eve's Weaves -- Eve Sumsky

Location: 481 Lake Ave NW Tenstrike MN 56683

Artist Statement:
One thing that’s important to Eve Sumsky is that the item should have a use or a purpose. Basket weaving makes a great deal of sense to Eve as it gives her the opportunity to create something not only beautiful but that can be used. As a basket weaver Eve enjoys exploring the different techniques of weaving, the variety of materials that can be used, and the old styles of baskets made in the past. From this she can create containers that fit my goal of beauty and usefulness. Eve will have baskets available for purchase.

Memo Pad Basket Class


Friday, April 27, 2018. 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. $25-30 depending on materials. Weave a fun basket to hold your memo pads and pens! We will start with a 2″ X 6″ oval wood base that has been prepared with the stakes ready to weave. Basic weaving techniques are used and beginners are welcome. There will be a few color and decorative choices to complete your basket.
Dimensions: 7 1/2″ X 4″ X 4 1/2″

Willow Wood Market Designs

Willow Wood Market Designs

Location: 23621 Hubbard Cty. Rd. 9 Bemidji (Bonnie's shop is located just west of US Hwy 71 south of Bemidji)

Willow Wood Market will offer hands on demonstrations on wool applique and rug hooking. Folks who come either day will be able to make a fun little yo – yo lapel pin.

Artist Statement:
Working with my hands calms my mind and brings me to a less complicated time. When I create, I see the hands of my mother, aunts and grandmother. The connection is strong to these hard working Scandinavian farm women who lovingly made useful and practical clothing, rugs and quilts as well as beautiful and intricate hardanger and crocheted pieces, all by using simple tools and materials. My designs are my tribute to honor these amazing  women.

Patty Lovegreen Weaving and Felt Making

Patty Lovegreen Weaving and Felt Making

Location: 23621 Hubbard Cty. Rd. 9 Bemidji (Patty will share a space at Willow Wood Market Design is located just west of US Hwy 71 south of Bemidji.)

Needle Felted Animal Make ‘n’ Take Class

10:00 – 2:00 p.m. Saturday, April 28th, 2018

Needle felt a chubby northwoods black bear for $15.00. All materials provided. To register for this class: https://midwestfiberartstrails.org/2018-workshop-signup/

Patty will have a variety of decorative woven items, felt woodland animals and vessels, small fun pieces that include a mix felt, beadworking and surface design.

Artist Statement:
I try to honor the spinners and dyers when I construct a project. Texture and color lead me into the weaving process I call contemporary tapestry. Experimenting with bright, bold color and texture while using traditional stitchery is what makes this process intriguing to me. The endless variety from one skein of yarn keeps me always striving for better ways to highlight the uniqueness of this fiber art. Wherever I travel breathtaking sunsets always stop me in my tracks. I try to hold those colors inside of me until I can find just the perfect yarn.

Wildflower Design Studio -- Shannon Lucas-Westrum

Wildflower Design Studio -- Shannon Lucas-Westrum

Location: 3932 N Country Circle NE Bemidji Minnesota 56619

Shannon is a new Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Trail member this year!

Artist Statement:
The best way to describe my weaving is as Art Basketry. Each piece is designed to be organic and free flowing. I take my inspiration in the form of a focal point – a handle, antler, piece of driftwood, and sometimes a handful of glass beads, and create my shape to include and compliment that inspiration. Ribbed baskets are amazingly versatile in form and suitability to flowing curves, while stake and strand is my preference when I am looking for more geometric shapes. My work ranges from useful everyday baskets to sculptural wall art. Working primarily in rattan, I dye my own reed into a muted palette of natural colors. The color is used to highlight shape and sometimes accent character in my focal pieces. My finished work is a reflection of the colors and textures abundant in northern Minnesota. Training through this fellowship will expand my knowledge in working with, cultivating, and harvesting my own raw materials, therefore allowing a more depth and textures to my work.

Northwest Indian Community Development Center

Northwest Indian Community Development Center

Location: 1819 Bemidji Ave N Bemidji, MN 56601

NWICDC- Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Trail – Indigenous Arts Demonstrations and Vendors

NWICDC will be hosting several practicing artists who will be demonstrating and vendoring various Ojibwe traditional and contemporary art. Wenona Kingbird will be demonstrating how to make Ojibwe style moccasins, Sharon Rosebear will be demonstrating on traditional Ojibwe birch bark basket making, Nancy Kingbird will be demonstrating and displaying her traditional/contemporary beadwork. There will be various art vendors. Two feature vendors will be Sharon Nordrum who is a multi-disciplinary artist who will be featuring her needle felting artwork. Lolly Aguilar ‘Corn Chick Designs’ is also a multi-disciplinary artist who will feature her corn jewelry and an educational display on the history of corn. Light traditional lunch will be available on Saturday.

NWICDC is a new Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Trail member this year!



Karl Leonard

Karl Leonard will talk about his work and demonstrate his basket weaving style.

Artist Statement: I enjoy using traditional techniques – but reapplying them in a more creative way. Maintain the integrity but increase the innovation and quality

Bio: My induction into the arts began at home. My grandmother and many of my parents’ generation being instrumental in inducting me into their specialist areas.

"Biitoosinoon - There Are Layers" Fiber Art Exhibit

Textile exhibit featuring the work of Karl Rangikawhiti Leonard, Chholing Taha, Rebekah Crisanata de Ybarra, Penny Kagigebi, Rick Kagigebi, and Courtney Olson. Exhibit will include quilts, shawls, papel picado, birch bark quill work and Māori weaving.

Location: 505 Bemidji Ave Bemidji, MN

Open March 9 – April 28, 2018

Hours: Mon-Sat: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Thurs, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun: 12-4

Closing Reception is Saturday, April 28, 2018 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Rebekah Crisanta de Ybarra

Artist Statement: My work is the post-modern expression of traditional artesanías of Mesoamerica. I am interested in reinterpreting Indigenous folk art techniques into conceptual allegory and contemporary context.

Bio: Rebekah Crisanta de Ybarra (enrolled Xinka-Lenca citizen of the royal Jaguar House of El Salvador) is an emerging multidisciplinary post-modern folk artist, curator, and musician. Her practice includes visual art, music, dance, puppetry and performance with an emphasis on Latinx/Indigenous art methods. Her visual work is the contemporary interpretation of traditional artesenias of Mesoamerica such as paper-cutting.

Chholing Taha

Artist Statement: The art works contain stories. These narratives find themselves with one hand holding the past bringing new insights towards the hand holding the future.

Bio: Chholing’s art has been included in museum, private & corporate collections, numerous solo and group exhibitions since 1978 within the USA, Japan, Germany, England, Brazil and Canada.

About Watermark Art Center:
Watermark Art Center (WMAC) is a non-profit, member-supported organization dedicated to encouraging the growth and development of art in our community. Watermark provides gallery space for exhibitions, author readings, and  workshops. We display national, regional, and local artists in group exhibits, solo shows, and installations.

Valuing a vibrant community, the Watermark Art Center’s mission is to nurture the growth, development of, and access to the visual arts in Northern Minnesota.



NWICDC provides ongoing and developing opportunities for people to access arts as a means for wellness and cultural empowerment. This mission of the Northwest Indian Community Development Center is to identify, coordinate and deliver resources that promote wellness and equity for American Indian families in northwest and north-central Minnesota.

We have weekly sewing and beading circles, there is a sewing center located at NWICDC that provides opportunity for community members to create. We have cultural artists who provide workshop learning for all ages. We also have events where we provide free vendor opportunities for artists to sell. These vary as do the creative opportunities. The ‘circles’ are weekly events where participants get together to create and share ideas and knowledge. A variety of learning opportunities both hands on and in professional development capacities.

NWICDC- Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Trail – Indigenous Arts Demonstrations and Vendors

NWICDC will be hosting several practicing artists who will be demonstrating and vendoring various Ojibwe traditional and contemporary art. Wenona Kingbird will be demonstrating how to make Ojibwe style moccasins, Sharon Rosebear will be demonstrating on traditional Ojibwe birch bark basket making, Nancy Kingbird will be demonstrating and displaying her traditional/contemporary beadwork. There will be various art vendors. Two feature vendors will be Sharon Nordrum who is a multi-disciplinary artist who will be featuring her needle felting artwork. Lolly Aguilar ‘Corn Chick Designs’ is also a multi-disciplinary artist who will feature her corn jewelry and an educational display on the history of corn. Light traditional lunch will be available on Saturday.

NWICDC is a new Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Trail member this year!



Bemidji Woolen Mill Tours!

Tours are Friday, April 27, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.

Location: 301 Irvine Ave NW, Bemidji, MN 56601

Bemidji Woolen Mills made the iconic red and black buffalo plaid lumberjack shirt famous. Almost 100 years old, the woolen mill has been a cornerstone to the community and is now in the hands of the 4th generation of the Batchelder family. During the Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Weekend, Bemidji Woolen Mills is offering two special tour times led by Bill Batchelder. Friday, April 27, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. No need for reservation. Please arrive 15 minutes early for the tour.

Bemidji Woolen Mill

Thinking about a visit to the Bemidji area?

In addition to visiting the Pine to Prairie Trail members, here are some places that top my list:

 Please remember to contact Trail members prior to your visit!

A special thanks to Cindy and Visit Bemidji for all her suggestions and promotional assistance. Thank you Cindy!! Visit Bemidji

Contact Us

11 + 5 =

The mission of Midwest Fiber Arts Trails is to honor the Midwest’s rich textile heritage and celebrate and promote the work of contemporary fiber artists.

Address: 229 Minnetonka Ave S #181 Wayzata, MN 55391 • Phone : 612.961.1601 • Email: jennifer@fiberartalmanac.com